kiki kiki kiki

KiKI New Amazing Robot - Now on - Review

By / Life Styles / Friday, 02 August 2019 15:00

Sad and Exciting

Once I saw this amazing device i had so many emotions sad and Exciting. As someone who has several pets at home and lived in the era of Tamagotchi i'm divided by my view.

In one hand you can not just switch your full life to technology, so many pets are waiting to be rescued to be played with to be nurtured, on the other hand i did killed almost 20 different Tamagotchi when i was young ( They all died because i forgot to feed them ).


New age of 2019 Brings us to an amazing technology feature that you just can not say you did not saw it coming. Kiki robot has all the features to emulate any pets behavior.

Here in SmartGalileo we are in the frontier of technology and always looking to provide assistance to all the amazing gadget and features that there are on the market.


What is Kiki?

Lets' describe what is KiKi, It looks like a Cat or maybe a Dog that wants to be played with, it has emotions it has the filling of touch and it's just a very fun Toy to have in your house.


KickStarter launched this enterprise around July 2019 and while we are writing this review it has already 39 backers and nice sum of money to get this project started.

It has long descriptions, never the less as usual pictures does its' magic.



** as shown Kiki can Dance to your music and be with you



Kiki shows emotions and you can understand that developers worked hard probably with cartoon designers to provide the feeling of emotion


The emotion shows as a reaction with amazing graphics on this specific touch.




You just can't see it enough, and we want it in our home.



The designers worked hard as seen in the next Blueprints:







Guy Levin

Guy Levin

Love life, Enjoy freedom and Look to the Future

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